What we've been up to lately ...
So, other than other than having a fun time just hanging out together, this is what else we've been up to:
Kate has decided that she is ready to potty train (me: No! Not yet! I'm not ready!). She asks to go use the potty and then (shock) she actually does. We give her applause, a high-five, and of course, a treat. Her little face just lights up and it's very sweet. Hayden gets the big brother of the year award for cleaning up when I was in the shower and Kate had an accident in her underwear (and it wasn't pee ...).
I bought her some Elmo underwear and she was so excited about it that she put all 7 pairs on at the same time. I think that 7 pairs of Elmo underwear is about as safe as a diaper for catching little accidents.
Kate is also developing her own sense of fashion sense. She decided that she wanted to wear her skirt with her pajamas to bed. Hey, I'm not one to argue with a 2-year old. I guess they kind of match ... they both have brown in them ....
Hayden was so excited about the snow that he woke up at 5 am, and he and Cletus were outside building this mammoth of a snowman by about 6:45. His name is "Nuthead", because we used pecans for the eyes and mouth.
They made the head so big that they couldn't lift it onto the body, so Cletus made a ramp using long pieces of wood propped on our lawnmower. Sometimes I wonder what the neighbors think and sometimes I don't want to know. In the end, it turned out as the biggest snowman in the neighborhood. I think he's so big that he'll be in our frontyard until June. Come by and take a look!
Love the lever Cletus and Hayden used! That is what Olivia would say anyway...
Thanks for telling me I am funny. Maybe I will post more if you always tell me I am funny. I may as well be funny, because i am for sure not skinny.hahhaa..
We may come visit soon. Love you!!
PS..I am glad you have snow
What a fun post to read! I love the elmo undies, the fashion pajamas and that Haden cleaned up a #2 - Woah. Very impressive! :) Way to go with the lever and fulcrum Cletus! What ingenuity! ;)
That is so cute about Kate wearing all her underwear. I guess she LOVES Elmo? I thought she might like princess stuff :) Nice snowman. I didn't take Spencer out this go around. He just got over being sick and didn't have the energy to dress him up.
Howdy! I can't believe you all got enough snow to make a snowman! We've made at least 3 snowmen this year and we're all snowmenned out. Our biggest one lasted for over a month, "until the other kiddies knock[ed] him down" (as the song says). He had mega blocks for eyes, nose, mouth and ears, giant sticks for arms and a snazzy pink sparkly hat, until Joshua stole it back because he wanted to wear it (it's his, after all) and the snowman ended up with a sensible blue sunhat that matched one of his eyes.
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