I realize it's been 4 months since I last posted. I just lost my enthusiasm. I have still loved reading all of your blogs, though. I read them, I enjoy them, but I don't comment. Sorry to be so lame. I guess I'm a selfish blogger. This picture is from a spontaneous trip we made to the Outer Banks a few weeks ago. It's the only picture I have of being pregnant. I should probably take a more flattering picture of myself as an expectant mother. Although I think that now I've waited too long. We are in the two week countdown!
Cletus and I have had many discussions about the name of this baby. We still haven't come to a definite conclusion. So, I was thinking that it might be fun to get some feedback. The following is a list of baby girl names. Some are ones we've talked about and some are totally made up: the decoys. Let us know which ones are your favorites and which ones you don't like. Be brutally honest. We can take it. The more honest your feedback the more fun it will be. And, if you are family and you've heard us mention some of these names, don't give it away for anyone else. We're interested in everyone's vote.
Here they are:
1. Emmeline Mae
2. Emma Pete
3. Hazel Sue
4. Lula Mae
5. Elaine Ann
6. Bella Christine
7. Alice Ann
8. Claire Alice
9. Ruth Marie
10. Samantha Rae
(11. Cinderella Baby, for those who have Kate's tase in names)
... or any combination of the names above.
What's your vote?

Bella Christine and Emmeline Mae. Despite the images that can come with Bella (sorry Twilight fans), I didn't see it at all when I saw the name. That's beautiful!
Please don't name her Emma Pete. hehehe ;)
My favorites are Claire Alice and Emmeline but not necessarily with Mae. Emmeline Ann flows a little better to me.
How exciting that you only have two weeks left -- I think you look fantastic!
Go ahead and take another pic of yourself without the sweatshirt...you still have time for a good pic. I like the name Bella Christine and Ruth Marie...they are my favorites. I don't know anything about Twilight. Just do what you like.
I think Emma Elaine would be really pretty. {I think Emma and Kate are sweet sister names together.} I also like Emmeline, Hazel, Christine, Alice, and Claire, but hardly any of the names you put down for middle names.
Mostly I'm just excited and impatient for her to get here. I want to hold her all the time and not give anyone else a turn.
Well it may be a fake one - but my favorite is Lula Mae. I just think that is so cute! I also really like Emmeline Mae (and don't listen to the other Heather she just thinks Ann 'flows better' cause it's her middle name. haha!) And Claire is so adorable and on the brain, cause my sister Susy's having her baby tomorrow: Claire Elizabeth. But I'm not so in love with Ruth or Samantha...
I look forward to hearing what you decide and seeing delicious new baby photos!
Lula Mae I LOVE!!
Emmeline is precious. You could call her Emmie. Awwwwe...Uh-Dorable!
Congrats Simpsons!!
My newest niece is Hazel - I love it. But I love, love, love Claire/Clare and think it goes perfectly with Kate!
dad and i both decided that if we can't have semba simpson we vote for alice elaine.
and if you decide to name her emma pete, i would just think that was really really cool.
love, mom
I like Emmaline better then Emmeline. Hayden, Kate and Elaine sounds good together with the long A sound. Although I love Claire too! I can picture you with a daughter with all the names except Lula. So excited to hear what you go with hurry and decide!!
Christine Elaine
I love Claire and Emmeline... beautiful! PS-- I had NO idea you were pregnant! Congratulations!
I like Claire and Ruth - and I like Alice as the middle name. Good luck!!
Thanks for everyone's comments! Those were really fun to read. We really liked some of the name combinations that everyone came up with ....
The big reveal will be in a week or two!
So, I didn't see the name Heather on that list, which surpised me at first. But then I realized that you obviously know about a thousand Heathers, and it would be awkward explaining to all of those mere *friend* Heathers that the baby was actually named after your favorite cousin, and not any of them. So it was smart of you to avoid that problem.
Do not name that poor child Bella. You do not want her forever assosicated with Mormon vampire soft porn. Was that brutally honest enough? ;)
I like your name, but I think having a daughter named Alice would be confusing - then of course, Mary would have to name her first girl Mary, to keep up with her sisters.
I think having the name Elaine in there would be the best - if you don't like it as a first name, definitely a middle. I would do it but obviously I'm incapable of having any more female offspring so I've lost my chance.
I like the name Claire but it doesn't go with Elaine. I think Emma is cute, and easier than a full Emmaline, since you're probably call her Emma anyway. I like Samantha, because I think Sam is a cute nickname for a girl. I'm obligated to love the name Christine. Hazel, Rae, Ann, Ruth, Marie = meh. Lula? No comment.
I'm sure none of that helped. The more kids you have, the harder it is to pick a name. Zackary didn't have one till the day after he was born, poor fellow.
I love you!
Naming kids is the worst. Two thoughts:
#s 2, 3, and 4 I'm not sure even a girl with a father named Cletus could pull off.
I've never read Twilight but I immediately thought of it when Bella came up.
Other than that, the other names are great!
And even if you don't listen to me, I'll still send you presents!
I was just browsing blogs and came across your's.
Have you thought of two middle names? I have two middle names... :) How about...
Claire Bella Alice
Bella Claire
Alice Anne (Ann)
Emma Lynn
Emma Elaine Claire
Well I don't know I could go on forever... haha, goodluck though! :)
I love both Claire Alice and Ruth Marie. Total classic and beautiful.
I love Emma Pete...but seeing as how I heard through the grapevine that you had her earlier tonight (and I haven't heard her name yet)...I know that the voting is over...so I am so excited to hear what you guys chose. So glad to hear that everything went well. I can't wait to see her photos - I know she is a lucky girl. Congratulations!
Congrats Alice! I won't vote now since you've had the baby, just wanted to say love the names, and the blog post you did about your son running the half marathon LITERALLY made me cry!!! Probably because I really want to run a marathon. I think he is amazing! (and Cletus did good, too.) :)
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